Manchester Dance Consortium (MDC) is an artist led initiative working on creating community, opportunity & activity that supports the development of dance artists & dance work in Manchester , UK.

Manchester Choreolab 2017 was nurturing, challenging, evocative and bought together artist from Manchester, the UK and Europe. Manchester Choreolab 2017 involved:
5 days of activity that enabled 29 workshops and discussions
48 individual participating artists (emerging / mid career / established artists with practices across dance, music and interactive media),
bespoke one to one mentoring for 7 participating artists,
partnerships with Contact, Dance Manchester, The Lowry Centre for Advanced Training in Dance, Sustained Theatre Up North, a Sunday School and FILLIMIT@KoresponDance (CZ), and
workshops and critical dialogue across the week was facilitated by: Charlie Morrissey, Lenka Flory, Jo Fong, Paul Blackman, Sustained Theatre Up North and a Sunday School.

“Choreolab brought more hope to survive in the arts world being in Manchester.”
“This experience is incredible for…the dance artists of Manchester. Watching each individual grow with ideas, confidence helps to inspire fellow artists...it is something that needs to keep happening to keep dance active, alive and engageable for everyone.”
“...the week definitely exceeded... I have walked away with many new ideas and ways in which to develop my own choreographic practice.”
"It is so valuable to have a variety of training and developmental opportunities as an artist. There are many intensives you can go to in the UK to experience working in a certain style or with a certain company which is hugely valuable in developing technique and style, however there has been nothing, until now, that is creatively and choreographically developmental."

Manchester Dance Consortium is an artist led network (voluntary unincorporated association est. in 2012).
Manchester Dance Consortium's aims include:
Via ARTIST LED MODELS & SELF ORGANISATION, producing, supporting, advocating & profiling dance activity generated in Greater Manchester.
Encouraging innovation, diversity, skill and technical development of artistic practice.
Activities to date include:
A. Collaborating with TURN 2017 (the North West dance platform realised by Contact, hÅb & Dance Manchester) via: curatorial selection with TURN Committee for TURN 2017 & hosting critical feedback and a reflective workshop led by Mary Prestidge for participating TURN artists.
B. Advocacy and strategic development (reflection/ aspiration/ planning), through management & artist & community network meetings.
C. Actively promoting sector opportunities to networks via social media channels.
D. Producing four public curated platforms ('Platform 0') in various Greater Manchester venues focusing on works in dialogue with music, theatre conventions & projected image. Via this Manchester Dance Consortium presented 15 works involving over 30 artists who received mentored support. Manchester Dance Consortium also actively worked on ways to facilitated dialogue and feedback between audiences and artists.
E. Producing Micro-choreolab workshops:
exploring collaborations between dance and music with respected artists Emily Claid & Chris Best, and
a masterclass with dance artist Navala (Niku) Chaudhari.
F. Producing Manchester Choreolab 2017: 5 days of workshops, mentoring and discourse facilitated by local, national and international facilitators that attracted participating artists from a range of dance / movement and other artist practices from the North West region and wider areas of the UK as well as Europe.
Manchester Dance Consortium's voluntary Strategy Committee of three have combined backgrounds in independent dance practice, organisation/ event management and academic research. These backgrounds support the rigour of activity being well produced, thoughtful, sensitive & responsive need, as well as risk taking and driven by current cutting edge practice considerations. The Strategy Committee currently includes: Tamsin Drury, Joseph Lau & Dr Dee Reynolds
MDC when funded for projects engage producing, administration and support staff to realise outcomes.
MDC would like to acknowledge the following partners & funders in the realisation of projects since forming in 2012:
Arts Council England (via Grants for the Arts funding)
Dance Manchester
FILLIMIT at Korrespondance
Sustained Theatre Up North (STUN)
Sunday School
Cheethams School of Music
TURN (Dance Manchester, Contact & hAb)

Manchester Dance Consortium takes your privacy and data protection seriously. We mainly communicate by Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so please follow-us on these social media platforms, but do feel free to contact us with any direct questions. To read our privacy policy please follow link below.